Massage in Schools Association Singapore
Massage in Schools Programme Instructor Training
The Massage in Schools Instructor Training Programme is a very complete course with an internationally approved curriculum shared by all MISP Trainers. This includes learning the unique MISP massage routine, child development, scientific knowledge, as well as the basis for bringing the idea of touch and movement for learning into all schools subjects.
With the two-day course every instructor receives a very comprehensive workbook that becomes a basic tool for the succcessful implementation of the programme.
Once the course has been completed successfully, the participant is given the MISP Instructor Certificate, allowing the implementation of the MISP programme within classrooms in the presence of children, and within communities with children and their parents.

International Core Curriculum
History of the MISP
Philosophy – mission statement and respect
Benefits of the programme
MISP basic massage routine
Children’s temperaments and personalities
Nervous system
Hormones – oxytocin, adrenaline and cortisol
Children sensitive to touch
Hyperactivity / ADHD
Adapting the programme for children with special needs
Child development related to the MISP
Teaching skills
Touch & movement in the school curriculum
Curriculum related positive touch activities
Informing interested parties
Implementing the programme in schools
Child Protection
Studies and research
Professionalism and ethics
Presenting certificates
Support and MISA

MISP Instructors are trained to
Implement the programme to children 4 to 12 years old in schools and/or community settings
Help children to develop a sense of belonging within a classroom or social setting
Encourage children/families to create positive relationships through active communication
Empower children to use clear, non-threatening, assertive language, raising their confidence and self-esteem
Give children an opportunity to learn about touch in a safe environment
Promote an environment that leads to reduced bullying and aggressive behavior
Contribute to child’s enjoyment at school. Children are more caring to each other, especially those who have not shown this side of their nature

Who attends the MISP Instructor Training?
MISP Instructors are adults from education, health and children’s organisations or anyone who care about the mental and emotional development of children. After the 2 day training, MISP Instructors will be able to introduce the programme in the presence of children and families. If the MISP Instructors are teachers working directly with children, they will be equipped with alternative teaching methodologies of visualization and kinesthetic learning that can be used within the school curriculum. The training is intensive but great fun!